Sam Teaches

One on One

One on One Biomechanics – Axis Syllabus Studies

Short Sell: In addition to teaching group classes, I work one on one with any movers wishing to focus more deeply into fundamental biomechanics that aid healthy movement. After ten years of studying the Axis Syllabus, I am a certified teacher. This is a space for both trained and non-trained movers.

What Class Might Include: Studies favor stress mitigation through the understanding of body masses and joint ranges, the guiding of kinetic energy, and postural solutions for stationary/non-stationary movement.

What Class ACTUALLY looks like: Class lasts between 30 minutes and 2 hours. We’ll begin discussing your movement curiosities. This can include concepts found in the Axis Syllabus, stresses in your own body, movement you need council on and overall approaches to building a personal movement practice. We’ll warm up together tuning into the proprioceptive body, and start exploring the concept closely and in small ranges. Slowly we’ll build towards larger movements and consider the impact of adding space and time. Often we’ll discuss how to relate these concepts to your everyday tasks.   

If you want to geek out, and further your knowledge of safe parameters for movement, please contact:

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